Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thursday - Luke 21:33-36

Cares of This Life

As I read this passage I could not help but notice these four words, "cares of this life". What does this mean? Really, it can mean a whole mess of things. Our worries over petty things like popularity and having the right clothes. We can get caught up in enjoying this life and spending all our time on ourselves rather than God. But the main idea is that we start desiring to "build our own kingdom here on earth" instead of building God's kingdom for eternity.

The church of Sardis seemed to be alive, no doubt, because they had much "ministry" going on. But was this ministry in accordance to man's will rather than God's will? Was this ministry drawing people and growing people into a closer relationship with Jesus; or was this ministry self-orientated, causing them to be just like any other social club in the city? The sad thing is that they believed they were doing right, maybe even wrote books on "How To Build a Church", or "How To Make a Profit as a Non-Profit Organization".

I remember being told of a main pastor from China who came to visit the churches of the US. When asked what he thought about the church of America he said, "It is amazing what man can do without the Holy Spirit". Hopefully we realize this wasn't a compliment.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wednesday - 1 Corinthians 10:7-13

Let Him who Thinks He Stands Take Heed Lest He Fall

If we look at the context in this passage it is speaking to those who may think it's okay to live a lifestyle of sin and still be a child of God. So we see a caution within a command. "Let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall".

The caution is to those who think just because they profess to be Christians it entitles them to eternity and the inheritance that belongs to the saints of God. But Paul cautions them by showing them a practical example. The nation of Israel was saved from Egypt, they all were led under the same cloud, they all went through the same sea, they all drank from the same spiritual drink. Yet with most of them God was not well pleased. Why? Because they desired evil and chose evil over God.

The problem was that they thought it was all said and done when they left Egypt. When temptation came they were not ready; really, they were not even expecting it and when it came they fell hard. Even so, we must be careful to not be so arrogant as to think that salvation comes from a mere pray, or words that roll off a mans tongue. We must ask ourselves what is salvation?

Is salvation just merely a forgiveness of sin or a washing away of a sinful lifestyle? The Word of God says clearly that we are a new creation. We must now present ourselves and every part of our bodies, outward and inward, unto God for righteousness and holiness. We must not provide opportunity for the flesh, instead let us indulge on the things of God. Oh the audacity of one who may think it's okay to take what is Gods and use it for evil. You have been bought with the blood of Jesus, and you are now God's. Let us take heed from the fall and daily grow in a personal and loving relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tuesday - Ezekiel 36:25-28

My Spirit Within

This idea is so fascinating and even overwhelming that God would desire for us so much that He would put His Spirit within us and cause us to walk in His statutes and do them. But this passage should reveal to us some important things.

For one, we should realize that without His Spirit we are unable to do anything good. Romans 7:18 says, "For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells". So in our flesh, NOTHING good dwells; that is, by our own means, in our own strength, we are unable to perform what is good. So then how are we able to walk according to God's will? This brings us to our second realization.

If we are to perform what is good it must be done in the Holy Spirit, by the Holy Spirit, and through the Holy Spirit. That is why God put the Holy Spirit inside of us, so that we are able to live for God. Without Him we would be unable to perform what is good. Therefore, we need the Holy Spirit more than we may even know; which leads to our third realization.

If we do not realize our necessity of the Holy Spirit then we, most likely, are not having a continual and daily fellowship with Him. We may seem to be doing good outwardly, as far as ministry, church attendance and so forth; but if done in our own strength, we will grow weary of it or we will be led away from Gods will and on to our own will. Though many might say we are alive, yet the Lord would say, "but you are dead!"

Therefore, realize that in our own selves nothing good dwells, if we are to perform what is God's will then we must have a daily devoted relationship and life in the Holy Spirit and to the Lord. We must find our source for everything through God's Spirit, not man.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Monday - Revelation 3:1-6

Sardis - The "dead" church

It's sad to see that Jesus has nothing good to say about this church. Even more sad that He says, "you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead". Can you imagine? To have a name that you are alive means that others thought great things about you. I'm sure the church of Sardis had something going on every night of the week; maybe every morning too, you know:
Monday Night - Worship Night
Tuesday Night - Acheive Better Business as a Christian Seminar
Wednesday Night - Bingo!
Thursday Night - Family and Potluck Night
Friday Night - Aerobics and Workout Night

Of course, I'm making this up but you can only imagine the nonsense they had going on in their church. The services were packed and everybody was having a grand ol' time. Their Pastors were amazing, as if never weary, always smiling and shaking hands. But Jesus says, "You are Dead"!

Scholars and Commentators go on and on about what may have been the problem but the letter doesn't say anything specific. Maybe they allowed one of the weaknesses of the first four churches to take over their congregation. Maybe they allowed all the weaknesses to take over. I personally believe it had something to do with the Holy Spirit.

You see, there are certain churches today that hold fast to doctrines, they believe in teaching verse by verse, they have read almost every commentary known to man; and these things are good when the motive is pure. But sometimes as men grow in their own wisdom they become less dependant on the Spirit and more dependent on their own abilities and sources. These churches seem to dismiss the invisible force within us all, giving gifts as He so desires, and transforming lives deep inside where no man can see; He is the Holy Spirit. They believe in Him but have somehow dismissed that He is the source for everything. Instead they believe its knowledge or money or some other tangible nonsense.

But let us not think of us so strongly for we are just servants and even if we fill these waterpots to the brim, it is still only water; it takes the working of The Holy Spirit to change that water into wine. (John 2:1-11)

Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday - Titus 2:11-15

"Looking for the blessed hope"

After Jesus brings forth the concerns He has for the church of Thyatira, He exhorts them by saying; "Hold fast what you have till I come". We have a lively hope, a hope that encourages us to forsake the passing pleasure of this life for that which is everlasting. If our minds and hearts are set on the things above we will not desire to entangle ourselves in compromise and worldliness.

Our blessed hope is the glorious appearing of Jesus our Lord and Savior. Do we wake up in the morning believing and expecting that today may be the day that Jesus brings us home? This is the hope that the world is without. This is the hope that should encourage us and inspire us to lay down our lives that we may be found faithful in Christ Jesus on that day.

"Hold fast what you have till I come. I am He who searches the minds and hearts. And I will give to each one of you according to His works." - Jesus.

Are we looking forward to the glorious appearing of our Lord? Today, as we stand, are we ready to see His face? Even so, come Lord Jesus!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thursday - Romans 16:17-20

"Simple Concerning Evil"

I have heard this argument: How can we comfort and encourage those who fall into a certain sin unless we have gone into those "depths" as well? But this argument is so foolish; it puts the importance on man rather than God. In vs. 19 it says to be wise in what is good, and simple concerning evil. In other words, don't know much about evil.

In the days of the church of Thyatira there were false prophets that arose who would teach this ridiculous argument. They would say "we must know the depths of Satan so that we may combat it". This would encourage others to "experience" sin and claim it was in the name of God. How disgusting was that?

We don't have to experience sin to see the horrible effects it has on people. In fact, keeping away from evil is probably one of the greatest testimonies of God's love and power. It shows that we are so caught up in Gods love and moved by His Spirit living inside of us that we have no desire to even dabble in the smallest of sins. We are to be simple minded to that which is evil, but let us know and experience and dwell upon all that is good and of God. I believe to be wise in what is good leads us to ministry and service for the Lord. Do you know of any ways that we could serve our body and grow in wisdom to that which is good? I would love to know about it!


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wednesday - 1 Corinthians 6:15-20

Flee Sexual Immorality

The members of the church of Thyatira lived in a city full of trade. Friendship and acquaintances would be vital in order to make a living. It was most likely that this Jezebel encouraged them to eat and dine with those not of Christ who were of the same trade. This compromise would require them to go into temples of idols and false gods; and in these temples there would be prostitutes that would seduce them into sexual immorality.

God understands what is in us because He created us; and He created in us a natural desire; for a man to desire a woman and a woman to desire a man. The problem is not sex itself but how we have corrupted it. Sex in marriage between one man and one woman is a glorious and godly blessing from the Lord. But anything outside of this is sin because it is not how God intended it to be.

As a natural desire, temptation will be strong. This is never an excuse, but rather, a warning: FLEE SEXUAL IMMORALITY!! The church members of Thyatira were causing their own calamity by walking right into sexual temptaion. We must flee from this temptation and never think we are strong enough to remain and fight. We must always be careful where we"eat and dine". Be careful who you are around, what movies you watch, what music you listen to, what you look up on your computer - even if it seems only a little compromise, it will lead to your downfall. Flee sexual immorality.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tuesday - 1 Kings 21:23-26

"Because of Jezebel"

In Revelation 2:20 - it says, "you allow that woman Jezebel"... whether her name was literally Jezebel or not doesn't matter. This woman most definitely has the same character of the Jezebel mentioned here in 1 Kings 21:25.

Ahab, in himself desired evil, but it was this woman, Jezebel who would stir it up and, shown in the Hebrew word, became the driving force that would carry out his evil desires. This means that, though King Ahab wanted to do evil, he would allow Jezebel to lead the way for him. We see this in many instances, such as:
1 Kings 18:4 - Though Ahab was King, it says Jezebel killed the prophets of God
1 Kings 19:1,2 - Ahab whines to Jezebel and she threatens Elijah, the prophet.
1 Kings 21:1-16 - Ahab whines again and Jezebel handles the situation in the name of the King.

Our flesh is always desiring against the will of God and I think we can all agree it is strong enough already without any help. So let's not give it help. We tend to bring people into our lives that seem to have the same weaknesses as we do; but we have to be very careful with whom we choose to spend our time with. A good question to ask is... Are they leading you to a closer relationship with your Lord and Savior or are they leading you away from the Lord and into compromise and worldliness?

It may be hard to end a long-lasting relationship with a close friend, but the Lord will bless us for the sacrifice we make so that we can have a deeper and closer relationship with our God. Remember the words of Paul, "I have suffered the loss of all things; and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in Him". Have you had to suffer the loss of a close relationship for the sake of Christ? How has your life changed because of it?

Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday - Revelation 2:18-29

Thyatira - The Corrupt Church

We may not realize that, though the letters are written to the church, they are actually addressed to the "messenger" of the church. This is why I like to believe that the messenger is a local pastor of the church. If it is so then Jesus would be saying:

vs. 19,20 - "You, Pastor, are doing well personally. You love, serve, are patient, faithful; in fact, your works are more then before - you are growing in Me. But, pastor, you have allowed this woman, Jezebel, to deem herself a prophetess and you have given her a pulpit to teach your congregation that it is ok to eat and dine with others in these temples given to the worship of demons. In these temples, they seduce my children into sexual immorality and they fall."

The Pastor of Thyatira was an amazing man of God but he allowed a compromising, worldly woman to lead his congregation into the "depths of Satan". We have to be very careful with who we accompany ourselves with. For one thing, "bad company corrupts good morals". In other words, as time goes on, a compromising, worldly friend will lead you into their compromise before you lead them into the truth of the Word of God. Secondly, if other Christians or new believers start hanging out with this person because you are, they could easily be led astray by this impostor. So let us choose wisely the people that we walk with in this Christian life; and pray for one another to remain in the truth of God's Word.

This problem isn't just isolated to human relationships; it could be many things... T.V., movies, music, video games, myspace, etc. - What things do you think could possibly become a corrupter of good morals if used wrongly? Maybe in example in your own life?